What is ETAP?
System requirements
2GB RAM, 25GB disk space, 256MB graphics card, 64-bit supported processor. Touch hardware with HID support. (including non-HID Vestel boards)
You can follow Pardus ETAP usage rates on the interactive boards in our schools at this address.
Etap Features

ETA Panel
As a result of our long and detailed research, the ETA Panel, which we have developed for more efficient use of interactive whiteboards, ensures that the tasks needed in a classroom environment are carried out in the fastest and most effective way.
ETA Keyboard
Thanks to the virtual keyboard we have developed specifically for ETAP, you can easily enter text without the need for a physical keyboard. Our keyboard, which can be displayed automatically when a text field is touched, offers tablet and full view, has different input language and color options.

Screen Dimming
Thanks to the Screen Dimming feature accessed through the ETA Panel, a certain part of the screen can be dimmed to hide the information that is wanted to be hidden, or the entire screen can be dimmed in full-screen mode, without the need to turn off the device, so that all attention is drawn to the teacher.
ETAP provides the opportunity to work in more than one workspace at the same time, allowing teachers to make presentations in any layout they wish without having to change the positions of the windows on the screen or close them, and to make the most of the interactive whiteboards.
Touch Gestures
- Long-tap right-click menu display
- Zooming in and out with two finger gestures
- Scrolling within the page by tapping and dragging with two fingers
- The ability to easily move the window on the screen after holding it down with two fingers for a long time
- Showing and hiding the ETA Keyboard with two finger taps at the bottom of the screen